Wall... of text... brain... hurting....
Freelance animator from scotland that spends his days doodlin' tits and looking up funny shit.
Age 36, Male
University of Abertay Dundee
Fife, Scotland
Joined on 4/26/03
Wall... of text... brain... hurting....
People will always be in the way of your dreams. If you let them stop you then you didn't really deserve to fufill that dream anyway.
Alright, I know this guy who wanted to play for the Miami Dolphins, he was 4th pick for them, as his celebration went on he got a call from the doctor saying that he can't play due to a fracture in his spine and it was too risky. He never and never will have his dream fullfilled. Go figure.
so true man so true my dream is to train dogs with some writing as a hobby and i trying to get work experience in a vet atm, but i have started some amateur writing, if any1 cares check out my profile
Kudos to you, I agree with everything here.
My dream is to become an actor in the movies and a voice actor in cartoons and games...that's pretty much it...of course with some music and literature on the side.
...damn it, I'm one artistic whore.
Well I guess I should share my own bit.
Recently, by that I mean somewhat early this year I stumbled upon a website and found that the people over there were awesome, something that struck me was basically how rubbish it was where I lived in Malta and the fact that I don't really know the local language and have been given a fucker of a rough time because of it did not really help. So I want to get the hell out of here, my dream is to move to Australia and fuckin' live there. I have not been there, hell no one of my family have but the extreme religiousness of the whole damn place where I'm currently living in is just annoying.
When I told them I'm Agnostic they didn't care, they still drag me into their crap with total disregard as to how it makes me feel and that's going to be a boost into getting as far away from this rubbish place as possible. So how did the aformeantioned website aid in my motivation? They, some of which being locals, gave me tips and pointers and answered questioned I had that would have taken fucking ages to get from Google, hell probably not even looking through that would have given me the wanted info.
So what am I going to do? Well, hopefully build a strong enough friendship with the people there and hopefully until I get on my feet someone will take me in haha... highly unlikely but still, you never know. Along with the fact that I'm going to save money like a mother fucker and hell, not even go out aside from the fact that I got bored of going to the usual places and there really is nowhere new to go due to the tiny size of this place I got bored so I don't really go out much either way, though I do have friends.
Either way, I'm even lucky enough (for once) to have gone to a school that have a hand in hand agreement that allows the students the option of add 1 year to the time of their course to be part time student and part time worker. So at least I'll be getting the needed money and work experience while not stopping school completely. What am I aiming to be?
Simple really, a computer technician. While I do wish to become a hardware technical consultant at one point but that won't happen for a while. I do wish that I manage to make it in Australia and thankfully my family do support me going, kind of. They're worried about the fact that it's on the other side of the world and crap but aside from that, they're okay with it. Hell even if they were against it, it would just motivate me more.
So yeah, I know what it's like to have a nice big dream and to try and get it working will be a bitch, that I can say will be true. Though still, I do wish you all the best in what you want to do, though just my question is that 21 is not a bit young to bind yourself to someone for life? Aside from that, I really do hope that you get what you want. Though remember, always have a backup plan because let's face it. Life is indeed a bitch so if you can pull something out of your ass to help out then that will indeed be good. Sadly I don't have much of a failsafe because I'll be in a different country and I'll end up as a hobo lol.
Though anyway, someone that tells you you're gonna fail, punch them in the face :D no wait don't...
lol this is funny cuz I had stopped working on a flash cuz I didnt laugh at one of my own jokes. I came back to it about a month later, and it won daily second and got frontpage. The joke is the most funny part of the flash :P.
trophies and pixelated awards
Amen to that. Sir, you just gave me the motivation to study my school work. For a long time I've wanted to become a police officer. Peaple tried to shut me down just because they had a past problem with police officer. Pfft... I don't care. I'm still ganna live it up.
You should've embedded the "hang in there" cat.
yes you're right............hey everyone don't give up on your dreams just because you don't think you can get it done on time or you think a joke isn't funny or some d---hebag says you can't do it. you've done it again mentalmyles you've done it again.
you fucking tell them mental, even if you do sound like you ripped that entire speech from the pursuit of happyness (LOL) anyway I agree fully, and I sent you a message, you may wanna read it.... see ya
I'm only young, so I'm not sure of what I'd like in the future. I know I want my dream job, and I know, deep down, I'll get that job.
But... well... this may sound sad, but...
Since I was 9 years of age, I've been with Newgrounds (watching suitable for all cartoons by the Kitty Krew, and losing my innocence,) but I've always dreamed - literally - of getting one of those trophies.
I know, it's fictitious but god damn I want one bad. On a number of occasions I've been close, adding up to two daily sixths. You won't believe how crushed I was after working 3 months on an animation and getting a score of 3.30 and absolutely no recognition. Sure, then, I felt like giving up, but the determination to get a trophy guided me on.
It may sound silly, sure. And bunches of animators take them for granted, when they get them left right and centre. But I promise you, once I reach my dream, of winning an award, I'll probably go apeshit with happiness and send a PM to every review thanking them dearly.
I'm pathetic.
But wow, it would mean a lot. Thanks for the good words, I read it all and enjoyed it. I hope you get everything you've always wanted man. n______n
I remember when I won my first award, it pretty much made me feel like the fucking sex but it also incouraged me to add a little more to my stuff. you could be cheap and make a flash based on a franchise and people would eat that up but wheres the originality in that?