So I was talking to my mum a few minutes ago and she brought up how this guy we know has this dream of moving down to Wales but it never happens. What hit me with this rant is the fact that it's this guy's dream of having life there then I thought of this guy I used to be friends with and fuck, was he the most negative sonovabitch I've ever met. He was an awesome guy and was fun to talk to because he would go on deep rants about almost everything to the point that it was like the film "Clerks". but sometime last year, he began to be a complete ass towards everyone. Started off with some negative opinions and one I can vaguely remember towards my girlfriend. She has her heart set out to study to be a nurse and my friend told her that the job will kill her inside and went on to why it will. Fair enough, it was his own opinion on the matter but he didn't really think about how my girlfriend felt about that.
Don't worry, she still does want to become a nurse and she's studying hard as hell to be one simply because it's her dream and she really wants to help people.
I could go on about how this guy got worse throughout the year and up until the point I decided to fuck it and shun him from my life but this rant isn't about him, its about your dreams.
When someone has a dream in life that they want to fulfill, no matter how bad or good of an idea it is, its best to let them see it through to the end. Thats what life is all about, kids! If something happens along the way that would put a cramp in their journey such as a dead end, simply find another route. Giving up on things may seem like a relief but would it really be worth it? wwhat if it happens again?
Lets say that your working on a flash movie for a holiday on newgrounds and you feel that it won't be finished by the deadline. What would you do? Simply give up? if you did, sure it would be great and there would be a massive load off your mind but would it really be worth it? the amount of time you spend of the models, weeks of harrasing voice actors to get their damn lines done, the number of esseys and homeworks that arrive in late because you dropped everything to get the thing done, the number of virus you got for hunting for certain programs by underground sites just to get one sound fx. What if that flash movie got front page? what if it got an award? what if it got a spot in the greatest flash of all time? what if it was the break you needed which lead to a phone call from a professional company that wants to work with your stuff? Granted, the last part is highly unlikely but then again, you'll never know because you didnt fucking bother!
And after writing this, I'm now the biggest hypocrite right now because I dropped on projects all the time but also, I want to make sure that kind of shit never happens again. I have a couple of projects I'm working on for September which is of course, Can I Play With Madness 2 and a secret project which I can't say until it's release on 25th. in my last text wall journal, I was pretty fucking negative but now, I won't give up on those two projects and I'l definitely wont give up on the project I mentioned in my previous journal.
My biggest dream which I will tell you right now will be to move to texas, find work for a videogame or animation company, which I really would like to work for Retro Studios or ID software which is REALLY aiming high and finally, marry my girlfriend and have a family. I would also like to continue freelancing in illustration (which would be comics).
Sounds like one hell of an achievement and also highly unlikely but thats my dream and I'll see it through till the end because this is what I want. you can give me reasons why my plan will fail but at the end of the day, its my life and my mistakes. all the negativity will be helpful but mostly turned to lemonade.
hell, if Tom Fulp had the habit of giving up on dreams and plans, I highly doubt we'll have newgrounds like it is today...or even A newgrounds at all. I remember when i was just starting on flash, i was constantly told to not waste my time on these silly cartoons because they wont get me anywhere. I was also told that my dream of becoming an animator or even an illustrator will never happen by a career's adviser back in highschool but you know what? they were all fucking wrong. I got noticed in newgrounds by my silly cartoons and not only that, I got a freelance job last year, making animations for a television show. surely something worth adding to my CV at the very least. sure, most of my early stuff look like shit but my new stuff impresses almost everyone I meet (mostly those who are easily impressed and probably don't know how to make these silly cartoons but still). And if continue on my path, I'm sure to have most impressive skills. Also, my animation course this year, I'll be studying many methods to animating rather than flash which will also expand my skills.
Getting back in topic and the conclusion to this rant, if you have a dream, stick with it. Don't let some minor fuckers let you down regardless. Don't give up on others and don't give up on yourself. Last thing you want is to work in a job that you hate like WallMart (or Tesco, wherever you live in the world!), single and low self esteem all because some negative fucker pooh-poohed your dream of becoming the world's greatest surgeon or something like that.
thats all i got for the way i see things and hopefully, this rant will might make you guys see what you want in life and just go for it. Or you can call me a fag and call it a day, I don't care, its your life. You only got one chance in earth and lets face it, your going to be there for quite a while so you might as well make the most of it.
We'd rather regret doing something than doing nothing at all. -The Brothers from 101 Challenges.
I'm only young, so I'm not sure of what I'd like in the future. I know I want my dream job, and I know, deep down, I'll get that job.
But... well... this may sound sad, but...
Since I was 9 years of age, I've been with Newgrounds (watching suitable for all cartoons by the Kitty Krew, and losing my innocence,) but I've always dreamed - literally - of getting one of those trophies.
I know, it's fictitious but god damn I want one bad. On a number of occasions I've been close, adding up to two daily sixths. You won't believe how crushed I was after working 3 months on an animation and getting a score of 3.30 and absolutely no recognition. Sure, then, I felt like giving up, but the determination to get a trophy guided me on.
It may sound silly, sure. And bunches of animators take them for granted, when they get them left right and centre. But I promise you, once I reach my dream, of winning an award, I'll probably go apeshit with happiness and send a PM to every review thanking them dearly.
I'm pathetic.
But wow, it would mean a lot. Thanks for the good words, I read it all and enjoyed it. I hope you get everything you've always wanted man. n______n
I remember when I won my first award, it pretty much made me feel like the fucking sex but it also incouraged me to add a little more to my stuff. you could be cheap and make a flash based on a franchise and people would eat that up but wheres the originality in that?