Fantastic animation and sweet humour!!!!!
Work that you only see from a disney cartoon and i love the voice acting! This is gonna be in my faves for sure.
Fantastic animation and sweet humour!!!!!
Work that you only see from a disney cartoon and i love the voice acting! This is gonna be in my faves for sure.
Oh god, that totally sucked!!!!
RuppeClock, I like you, really. But that was totally lame. I know what you're capable of so please show it. Or you'll end up getting flamed by your own kind.
Flamed by other clocks?
Hardly, they liked this animation, yes I am capable of better, and don't worry, I will still make good use of that ability to do so.
Kirby kinda reminds me of Garfield, but Xtreme
Another classic kirby spoof for the growing kirby collection.
Funny shit.
Although, there was little animation, this was still funny.
I gave it a 0!!!!
Not just because I hate Piconjo, its because the whole thing was tweened and something that would be done in two minutes!!!
And the answer to the prevous guy who asked who thretened to kill Piconjo, It was prolly me. many, many times! Fuck you, Piconjo!!!
Crappy animation but funny as fuck!!!
Sonic Adventure 2 was and still is my fave game and watching this makes me want to play it some more. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!1
Have fun then ^^
You have got to be the closest thing to making real sonic animes. By any chance is that a sort of trailer to the second series of Sonic X?
Great movie but a few miners....
For one thing, Sakura is toooooo young to be doing hanky panky with Ryu. She's fucking 15!!! (Or younger) Worse than the relationship between Sonic and Amy!!!! Also, the bloody text was too fast. kinda annoying! Apart from that, fucking sweet movie.
Freelance animator from scotland that spends his days doodlin' tits and looking up funny shit.
Age 36, Male
University of Abertay Dundee
Fife, Scotland
Joined on 4/26/03