GO! Naruto!
Should have steamed the song, I would have shortened the file size. there werent alot of decent artists for the collab but it was still all good.
GO! Naruto!
Should have steamed the song, I would have shortened the file size. there werent alot of decent artists for the collab but it was still all good.
Thanks for the suggestions ^_^
And thank you for the review
I will still not pay....
Why should I pay for a song that he didnt make himself? Its called robbery and its not right.
Kiss My fruity butt!
hell yeah, thats an awesome clock flash. love how strawberries seeds are acne. the humour is kinda siomilar to Julian's TMNT Rebel series. and you finally put that Pacman short to good use. 5
Nice full out animation but I thought that the only flaw was that you used voice clips from different sonic games instead of voice actors (appart from the news announcer who was voice acted by Kagome and Nazo who was voice acted by you(?)), there are plenty of decent Sonic VA on the internet you could have used. Appart from that, that totally motivated me a little to actually make something. you earned a well deserved 5.
Try to aim for a somewhat dramatic scene and people (including the author) laugh =P
But why would official voices be a flaw? In most Sonic Flash movies, I don't usually see a suitable Sonic voice actor.
But good to see you want to create and thanks for the 5!
I am sorry, Randy but no.....
As I waited for my hentai to load, I thought I'd check the newgrounds portal for some intertainment. Whats this? Randy Solem created a new flash movie? What joy =3. I just hoped that it wasn't as lame as his Yoshi's Island 3, that was utter poop. I clicked "Watch This Movie!" and sadly, I'm lost for words, not that I thought this movie was just "1337", no! It was utter pants! The new Mario sprites that Randy used didn't make you feel at home like the classic Mario World sprites did. Also, the fart approach was getting WAY too old and it wasn't done well. The only decent part was when you seen the close up of the Koopa BUT that wasn't really done by Randy!!!!!! As this overrated movie approaches for a daily award, I will vote 0.
Fafara: ovar use in filters, i think, but still awesome
Fierres: Awesome art and animation which proved that you didn't need to show locks to make it awesome, except the bit at the end XD.
My Part: I was not too proud of the art compared to what I can do now.
Wonchop: both of you parts were pure awesomeness!
BreadFruit: Pretty good start and loled at the fapping bit.
GolfBall: The lock that saved the day by his animation which was awesome fbf and it didnt take him long.
Edward: both you and GolfBall's part worked together really well.
Ghost: shame that you didn't finish your other part. But this one was just as good.
Loquat: shame you didn't finish what you started :'(.
Head: lovely Dragon Ball Z reference.
Prison: The best style in the entire collab.
Toadstool: kept your own style and made your part look fun.
Spitty: :)
Maximum: not really all that good but it got the job done.
Serious: Great style and great part.
Mithon: loved how it all played out for you.
DP: art wasn't all that good but the part seemed fun and you pulled it off. The menu is just awesome, though.
Winchester: Kinda loved how your part worked as well.
PeaPod: HAWT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
<3 Nut
Best TooF EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
I dont think that you would be able to top the next episode, or will you? TooF Cruize fucking win my heart, man!
LOL! Seems like there's an even amount of TooF Croose and Solid TooF fans out there...Thought there'd be way more Solid fans :P It's all good.
You have potentual
I liked your art but your animation skills can do with a little improvement. I'll 5!
Thanks, glad you liked it!
Freelance animator from scotland that spends his days doodlin' tits and looking up funny shit.
Age 36, Male
University of Abertay Dundee
Fife, Scotland
Joined on 4/26/03