A very boring start
Which made the ending totally unexpecting, nice one. :)
A very boring start
Which made the ending totally unexpecting, nice one. :)
That has got to be the best Sonic cartoon ever made, I can hear the N00bs bitching and crying now!!! XD
Awwww, cute ^0^
ClockLock's movie was better but this one was funnier by the stupid music.
yeah, I also made mine in half the time of her's so that sorta explains that.
Oh, god. I remember that game!!!
I used to paly that fucker, non stop. the part where they were doing the Rock, paper, scissors thing was so damn true
Loved the Curly Sam part!
Totally didn't see that comming. Great movie
lol, cow cannon
the part when some whiny shit was playing Halo and was getting own3d by a haxor was the funniest part. Its so fucking true. :P
reminds me of Skittles and Bitz was with effort put into it.
Totally gonna fave this. :)
But arn't you concerned with the deep meaning in this flawsh! :0
Julian, your my idol! :)
That was amazing FBF work and alot of detail had been put into this movie, indeed. Cant wait for the next episode.
Very cute animation.
To be frank, this is the only decent movie I seen all day on NGs, hope it gets an award, totally deserves it.
The only decent one? Wow! That's cool!
In short, it was tedious!
I'm a fan of the blue bomber and his adventures but even I didn't enjoy it. The artwork in that movie wasn't origional at all, all of it was traced and I frown to that. the movie was also slow paced where the movie got bloody boring and the lip syncing was terrible. My other rant is that X was NOT the first Reploid to be created, it was Sigma! Also the voice acting was terrible as well.
Sorry if what I said pisses you off but I'm being honest, do better next time.
Your obviously not a big fan since you seem to know so little about the storyline . All reploids INCLUDING sigma were based of X's design.
Interesting turn of event...
cant wait for episode 4. in the next chapter, we would expect some swizzy fighting between MegaMan, Bass and Zero? (Stupid question) but still, the series is awesome but I guess I'll have to wait for another year to find out what happens. -_-.
Freelance animator from scotland that spends his days doodlin' tits and looking up funny shit.
Age 36, Male
University of Abertay Dundee
Fife, Scotland
Joined on 4/26/03