short but worth watching
Add a preloader, please.
art is a bit basic, as well.
short but worth watching
Add a preloader, please.
art is a bit basic, as well.
Kid friendly and nicely animated
I'd like to think newgrounds has matured to more than watching cheap animations with added cocks and video-game sprites but not alot of people actually care to grow up :C.
nice to see something worth watching for a change and nice work overall.
Thank you! I must say, I sometimes am bored by the videogamesprite-movies made with MSpaint... Luckily there's also a lot of good stuff here! Thanks for commenting!
I already bought it!
Indeed worth having around in your room for a quick read. Also, awesome animation.
Another great Pokemon tribute
Nicely done, I have to say. animation is a bit choppy but still very impressive. character profiles are well rounded with backstory and the moves were awesome to watch.
would be intresting to see this into a series
my only complaint is the lack of lip sync and overall animation but the overall design is nice. High score for potential
Not to sound like a douche but...
the only good parts were either the ones that didn't add in none-sonic characters, actually had a decent fight scene (that didn't rip off DBZ in all senses) and Pkmn2's parts.
Personally, i would think it would have been better if Pkmn2 just submitted his parts as a single submission and it probably would have done a lot better. I personally thought the other parts just dragged the collab down. all in all, its good for a fun collab and nice job.
Thanks that you liked mine, but the others deserve some credit too. =P
Even though I did the preloader, the intro, the menu and the outro, it's not like that I did everything.
Well, they still worked hard for their parts, so I'm still glad working with them.
Besides, with only my part as single submission is like the Marichu VS Curse-R submission. Too short. =P
That Mickey voice is killing me XD
it was a goood collab and was funny in most parts. the intro cought me offguard, thinking I was about to watch a tribute. Thankfully, wasnt the case XD
I'll be sure to purchase it when it's out
it's great to see other artists making it big to games consoles rather than simple flash sites. Not that was was anything wrong with it to begin with. thr characters are simple and cute and the plot will be straight forward. Cant wait to play this.
I was not excpecting this!
characters are nicely designed in this parody and the animation was sweet as hell.
Probably the best sonic tribute I've ever seen
On newgrounds anyway.
I loved the animation and its lucky that you DIDN'T choose Numb, otherwise I would have switched the flash off and left. Not that it's a bad song, its just too typical. I loved it up to the part where sonic gets stabbed, mainly because I doubt that Tails would ever think of doing that (unless it's a parody, of course!). Then again,I haven't read the comic that this is based on yet so maybe there's a deeper reason or maybe an accident.
Freelance animator from scotland that spends his days doodlin' tits and looking up funny shit.
Age 36, Male
University of Abertay Dundee
Fife, Scotland
Joined on 4/26/03