Really refreshing to see a collab with so much heart and humour put into it with so much skilled folk involved. Been a while since I seen something like this around here so best of luck to everyone going forward. Good job <3
Really refreshing to see a collab with so much heart and humour put into it with so much skilled folk involved. Been a while since I seen something like this around here so best of luck to everyone going forward. Good job <3
Thank you so much, Mr. MentalMyles!
I really enjoyed being a part of the Collab as a Misc. Artist as well, great to see many talented animators n' artists putting all the work for these iconic Dreamcast games for the collab! ^^
Hopefully the Interactive Menu comes in at the end of the month, anyways, glad you enjoyed it! ^w^
Keep Dreaming! 🌀
Africa Dudes. Back when you were able to make jokes and people took them as jokes.
Those were the days... what happened?
love that skit, nicely animated :)
Thank you!
Jesus, this takes me back to my late highschool days and loving these sprite animations. Loved your Zero series back in the day with its well directed voice cast and clean use of sprite animation. Thanks for that nostalgia blast :)
Thank you for watching my work. I'm really glad to know that you loved them. :)
You're welcome. ^_^
damn, animating in Krita must've been insanely time consuming. Personally, I would have stuck with flash but seeing this made me think twice about the program and what it's capable of.
krita is actually pretty cool, it has nice brushes like PS, and a nice timeline like flash, so it's a good compromise beteween the two IMO. although yeah this did take ages
I like this because thats how I think most of us animators feel at times. If not all the time
Yes haha, animation is hard. Im quite a newbie when it comes to animation I mean this is my first full length animation including sound. most other animations I do were either really short or gifs. I should upload them. and It was also partly to do with me having sever animea (low iorn levels) which makes you super tired and give up on lots of stuff. but thank goodness shovel knight came out to give me some ideas!
Not bad, though voice acting could be better and leave out the final fantasy music. It doesnt suit megaman at all
Appreciate the feedback. I have mostly Mega Man remixes planned for #2, so way ahead of you ;) - Though I must confess, I was in the midst of playing an FFVI mod around the time of making that scene.
A fitting tribute :)
Thanks man!
Something I cant wait to see
I would like to do something like that for my time in uni this year but I have lazybastarditise. Good luck tho :D
One can hope!
Nice loops but somewhat wasteful
many users will blam this, feeling that this is a waster of their time. I personally think you should have made a compilation featuring all of your looped animations instead.
I know what you mean, and I've thought about it. But really I don't care, I'm happy with scores in the low 3's for this, and would love to get a piece blammed on newgrounds! :D
Freelance animator from scotland that spends his days doodlin' tits and looking up funny shit.
Age 36, Male
University of Abertay Dundee
Fife, Scotland
Joined on 4/26/03