Oh god, that totally sucked!!!!
RuppeClock, I like you, really. But that was totally lame. I know what you're capable of so please show it. Or you'll end up getting flamed by your own kind.
Oh god, that totally sucked!!!!
RuppeClock, I like you, really. But that was totally lame. I know what you're capable of so please show it. Or you'll end up getting flamed by your own kind.
Flamed by other clocks?
Hardly, they liked this animation, yes I am capable of better, and don't worry, I will still make good use of that ability to do so.
Crappy animation but funny as fuck!!!
Sonic Adventure 2 was and still is my fave game and watching this makes me want to play it some more. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!1
Have fun then ^^
Been a while...
Been a while since you made a movie. All you did in flash lately was collabs, collabs and collabs. (All good though!). Finally, a rubber ninja cartoon which is not a collab and a fuckin sweet one at that.
Yeah, I was planning to kick myself if I didn't get something that wasn't a collaboration out by 2006. Shit I am getting slack, I hope to change that soon enough. Thanks!
I liked it!!!
But you should've added more sound fx in the movie and had a little BG music. Also, how could a log bleed? Anyway, this deserves a sweet 5!^^
Log's can bleed, you just haven't tried enough >:O
Great work, Wonchop!
Been a while since you made something thats totally funny and random on NGs. great to know that your still alive.
=D It's only been about a month or so
hehehehe Nice animation and voice acting!
I have NO idea what the cartoon was parodied about but I dont care! That was fuckin awesome.
lol Glad you liked it!
Piconjo may be dead but his gayness still lives on
If Piconjo's dead, then how come he's still manages to be co-auther?
bcus piconjo pwnz j00r anal 4 ever, k?
Freelance animator from scotland that spends his days doodlin' tits and looking up funny shit.
Age 36, Male
University of Abertay Dundee
Fife, Scotland
Joined on 4/26/03