I was meant to post this on Newgrounds after when I submitted it on SA two weeks ago but I simply forgot, anyway, regardless that i calmed down a bit, I still feel strong about what I wrote >:(
Theres one thing that I really cant stand and I think I speak for all of my fellow animators on this and that is Writers, Musicians and Voice Actors and their attitude towards us when it comes to making flash.
I like those people, really I do but most of them clearly dont understand animation or have had NO personal experience. It just pisses me off when they bitch and whine at you to get something done as they would probably expect you to pull a Disney Classic out of your ass in a few hours.
Animation is alot more than drawing a picture and making it move, theres a hellovalot more to it than that. Theres a vary amount of frames we would put in each second where it would drive a perfectly sane person loony. theres the detail we would sometimes put in which would commanly not be noticed at all. it takes hours, if not days , if not months to make a good short animation which is why its hard and most animators give up on stuff half way through or just give up altogether
ok, with voice acting, what is there to really do? well, all you need to do is to record your voice and tell you what to say and your done. These people are fuck easy to work with because most of them are friendly and great people with amazing voices. Only annoying thing is that they will be impatient as hell and want you to finish quickly so they can see the character they were voicing in action.
Musicians, I respect to a certain point. theres alot more to it than remixing and bashing a few notes on the FL. Muscians are pretty unpredictable when working with them because making music from scratch takes just as long as making a flash, so sometimes you would finish your flash but the musician wants to do it all again or they would take waaaaaay to long to make a song altogether. hince why its better for the musician to finish his/her piece before the animator can do anything
Writers, I have to say are the worst to work with. they write a script and they expect you to do EVERYTHING from it, like its not a big deal to you. not only that, they will push you and expect you to finish at a certain point which really does annoy the living fuck out of me. in my opinion, its better if an animator can write their own shit or at least have a writer who was an animator. that way, he would understand your position and respect you more.