Freelance animator from scotland that spends his days doodlin' tits and looking up funny shit.

Myles @VictorVonVice

Age 36, Male


University of Abertay Dundee

Fife, Scotland

Joined on 4/26/03

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4,237 / 4,440
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6.19 votes
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VictorVonVice's News

Posted by VictorVonVice - December 10th, 2009

Well isn't this a nice surprise! Megaman 10 will have you not only play as Megaman, but the choice to play Protoman and a secret character which isn't announced yet. Storywise, Megaman and his robot pals are facing a deadly robot virus called "Robotenza" and its up to the blue man to find a cure. Also one of the new robot masters is known as SheepMan. :3 I seriously cannot wait to hear more about this! If Megaman 9 was so good that it took over Megaman 2's title of best Megaman game of all time then this tenth instalment better have a lot of impressiveness to show with.

Mega Man 10 is confirmed!

Posted by VictorVonVice - November 23rd, 2009

Not much stuff happened in the past month, stuff which should've happened and stuff which really should'nt have happened. So in short, it's been a bit crap to say the least. When it comes to personal projects, I feel like I've just been piling stuff on but the pile doesn't seem to go anywhere which really sucks because I really want those projects to be made and showcased to you guys but the severe lack of motivation is the main problem. I've also been seeing less of my friends lately because of how I'm feeling towards myself. The usual shtick...

College, I really can't complain much. 3 days of class but the 3rd day minus a teacher, so the past few weeks have just been a joke :\. But I've been using those days to catch up and practice more on my 3d animations

Well, I've also been working on videogame reviews on the side of my animations which I can consider it a nice break. like in all game reviews, no effort needs to be put in and and I can talk my ass off about certain videogames. Only made one review but the second one should be done soon (just havent had the time last week to voice record. :C). Also, the next one will be about Sin And Punishment.

EDIT:: I take it back, aside from the video editing, the research and writing the review, Not much effort needs to be put in.

Anyway, heres the first video I made;

/* */
Not what most of you will want or expect from me but at least you can say I've tried to stay productive. I really can't say where I'm going with this right now but I'll try to talk about the lesser known games mostly or just rant about how shit goes south. We'll wait and see.

Aside from Vel and Twitch, I also have a music video I want to do. Not saying much on it yet because not much has been done.

Posted by VictorVonVice - November 1st, 2009

Hey kids! watch it here and prepare to be disgusted. Happy late Halloween from me and everyone else....kinda

Posted by VictorVonVice - October 2nd, 2009

October should be a good month, not only will some good games will be coming out but it also involves me being more productive this month hopefully. Socially, I'll need a lot of improving on so that means more hanging out with my good friends which saying that reminds me to phone them when I get the chance. Halloween will be a big event, although I'll might not be able to go out with my friends on that night (I have to work at the weekends.) but I'll be sure to make up for it with a possible flash movie to celebrate the holiday and maybe an early night out with them. for the Halloween flash, I have no idea what to do. maybe a volent horror to make up for the lack of madness flash for madness day. who knows.

Speaking of blood and gore, I can't wait for Brutal Legend :3. personally, its the game that really should have been created when I was still in highschool.....life would have been more cooler then...:'C

also Kingdom hearts 358/2 days and Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story looks good enough to check out for the humble DS

Finally, I'm working on a new flash series unoriginally titled "Vel And Twitch" because i suck at naming things but to be honest, its pretty hard to give a good name for a series involving a cyborg and his asshole robot pal. Hell, me and Galloglasses spent a good time brainstorming ideas for a good name but were fucked. so yeah, until I can get a better name for the show, "Vel and Twitch" it is...

So hopefully, the first episode will be out in a couple of weeks if I'm not too busy with college and life.

....actually, I think my girlfriend had a good name for it a while back but I couldn't remember....ffffuck, what was it...

October stuff and new Flash series Maybe

Posted by VictorVonVice - September 25th, 2009

it's madiesensei's birthday today and I felt I should make this animation just for her...<3

Watch it here!

With little time I had and with a lot I had to deal with this month, it was either work on my madness day flash for something for the one I cherish. Simply put, I went with what i wanted to do and created this little present. honestly, I'd rather make something for one person to enjoy rather than intertaint 13 yer olds with blood and gore (you'll get that next year, kids!)

Posted by VictorVonVice - August 30th, 2009

So I was talking to my mum a few minutes ago and she brought up how this guy we know has this dream of moving down to Wales but it never happens. What hit me with this rant is the fact that it's this guy's dream of having life there then I thought of this guy I used to be friends with and fuck, was he the most negative sonovabitch I've ever met. He was an awesome guy and was fun to talk to because he would go on deep rants about almost everything to the point that it was like the film "Clerks". but sometime last year, he began to be a complete ass towards everyone. Started off with some negative opinions and one I can vaguely remember towards my girlfriend. She has her heart set out to study to be a nurse and my friend told her that the job will kill her inside and went on to why it will. Fair enough, it was his own opinion on the matter but he didn't really think about how my girlfriend felt about that.

Don't worry, she still does want to become a nurse and she's studying hard as hell to be one simply because it's her dream and she really wants to help people.

I could go on about how this guy got worse throughout the year and up until the point I decided to fuck it and shun him from my life but this rant isn't about him, its about your dreams.

When someone has a dream in life that they want to fulfill, no matter how bad or good of an idea it is, its best to let them see it through to the end. Thats what life is all about, kids! If something happens along the way that would put a cramp in their journey such as a dead end, simply find another route. Giving up on things may seem like a relief but would it really be worth it? wwhat if it happens again?

Lets say that your working on a flash movie for a holiday on newgrounds and you feel that it won't be finished by the deadline. What would you do? Simply give up? if you did, sure it would be great and there would be a massive load off your mind but would it really be worth it? the amount of time you spend of the models, weeks of harrasing voice actors to get their damn lines done, the number of esseys and homeworks that arrive in late because you dropped everything to get the thing done, the number of virus you got for hunting for certain programs by underground sites just to get one sound fx. What if that flash movie got front page? what if it got an award? what if it got a spot in the greatest flash of all time? what if it was the break you needed which lead to a phone call from a professional company that wants to work with your stuff? Granted, the last part is highly unlikely but then again, you'll never know because you didnt fucking bother!

And after writing this, I'm now the biggest hypocrite right now because I dropped on projects all the time but also, I want to make sure that kind of shit never happens again. I have a couple of projects I'm working on for September which is of course, Can I Play With Madness 2 and a secret project which I can't say until it's release on 25th. in my last text wall journal, I was pretty fucking negative but now, I won't give up on those two projects and I'l definitely wont give up on the project I mentioned in my previous journal.

My biggest dream which I will tell you right now will be to move to texas, find work for a videogame or animation company, which I really would like to work for Retro Studios or ID software which is REALLY aiming high and finally, marry my girlfriend and have a family. I would also like to continue freelancing in illustration (which would be comics).

Sounds like one hell of an achievement and also highly unlikely but thats my dream and I'll see it through till the end because this is what I want. you can give me reasons why my plan will fail but at the end of the day, its my life and my mistakes. all the negativity will be helpful but mostly turned to lemonade.

hell, if Tom Fulp had the habit of giving up on dreams and plans, I highly doubt we'll have newgrounds like it is today...or even A newgrounds at all. I remember when i was just starting on flash, i was constantly told to not waste my time on these silly cartoons because they wont get me anywhere. I was also told that my dream of becoming an animator or even an illustrator will never happen by a career's adviser back in highschool but you know what? they were all fucking wrong. I got noticed in newgrounds by my silly cartoons and not only that, I got a freelance job last year, making animations for a television show. surely something worth adding to my CV at the very least. sure, most of my early stuff look like shit but my new stuff impresses almost everyone I meet (mostly those who are easily impressed and probably don't know how to make these silly cartoons but still). And if continue on my path, I'm sure to have most impressive skills. Also, my animation course this year, I'll be studying many methods to animating rather than flash which will also expand my skills.

Getting back in topic and the conclusion to this rant, if you have a dream, stick with it. Don't let some minor fuckers let you down regardless. Don't give up on others and don't give up on yourself. Last thing you want is to work in a job that you hate like WallMart (or Tesco, wherever you live in the world!), single and low self esteem all because some negative fucker pooh-poohed your dream of becoming the world's greatest surgeon or something like that.

thats all i got for the way i see things and hopefully, this rant will might make you guys see what you want in life and just go for it. Or you can call me a fag and call it a day, I don't care, its your life. You only got one chance in earth and lets face it, your going to be there for quite a while so you might as well make the most of it.

We'd rather regret doing something than doing nothing at all. -The Brothers from 101 Challenges.

Posted by VictorVonVice - August 15th, 2009

......thats it, I didn't make you anything! >:C

Posted by VictorVonVice - July 25th, 2009

I have a ton of fla. files scattered on my laptop but nearly 95% of them aren't really relevant at all and would probably never see the light of day. I may never look like it but I do have a heap of flash projects that I tend to work on and take big breaks on so sense I'm here, I might as well talk about the big stuff I'm working on (and you'll probably never get to see.)

Transformers: Iron Courage

This is actually an attempt to animate a new opening of a well known television intro. You seen the opening to the Dragon Ball Kai anime? (essentually, its really just DBZ reshowing....because DBZ fan have short memory spans, apparently!). In my case, its Transformers. The song, Iron Courage is actually the second opening to Transformers Armada (japanese version). If you want a plotline for the animation, well I guess you can look at it as the same fashion as the latest Transformers Comic series (All Hail Megatron) went down. Decepticons attack earth and the Autobots give them a jolly good seeing to.

Downtown Shodown

Downtown Shodown is actually a test dummy to try out some things in flash for the upcoming Madness Day flash. Its a Kiwi/Chibi styled battle between Velentfull (The Cyborg Bounty Hunter) versus Galloglasses ( a inquisitor demon slayer/ Also know as the guy that came up with the idea of Pico Day) as they both fight to the death.....Downtown!

Nutlock Show (series)

Although I'm no longer part of the locklegion (seeing as I've hardly ever been at the forums since...october?...november?...I'm not sure...) Nutlock is still one of my favourite creations ever so I think its high time he moved away from the locklegion to start his own show. This project will be a fun thing to work on because it will feature some interesting characters and crazy adventures. Its fun to see how other animated character would react with a talking acorn and treat him like a normal person.

Crimson Chaos The 2nd (series)

Originally intended to be a comic strip, I decided I wanted to make a flash series. This is mostly influenced from other well known stuff, I have to admit such as Master Mind, The Venture Bros. and The Boys. This is still currently in preproduction. The first two episodes are already written (badly) while I was in Texas but hopefully, I would be able to finish off the other 4 episodes when i have the time and the ideas to blend the stories and plot together.

The series is about a young highschool student who is is forced to become super villain and try to rule the world which was once under the clutches of his Grandfather, Crimson Chaos.

And the rest of my projects are all skits and parodies which I haven't got round animating because I'm too lazy. Well, that's all I have to say on the matter of projects and animations I'm working on. i would be sure to upload pictures and sneek peeks in the future and hopefully some of these projects mentionsed will find their way to the portal sooner than you think. I've really just been focusing on other issues such as preparing for my next year in college where I'm moving back in with my parents during that time and financial problems. (yeah, never use your debit card abroad btw, you WILL regret it dearly!)

Thats all i have to say and until next time I have the wasteful time of typing in a Log, cya!

Posted by VictorVonVice - June 18th, 2009

thank you for giving me a reason for giving me a reason to come back here more often than I should.

and thank you madiesensei for telling me about this art portal <3 your the best, sexy! <3

Posted by VictorVonVice - April 1st, 2009

And here I thought people wouldn't bother this year.

On an unrelated note, spring break starts tommorow for me and that means possibly working on movies (when I make announcements, it would usually mean that I'll fall on my arse and not do it anyways!)

A Pico flash for Pico day is currently in thought production (excpect a last minute slap together!) Also working on a sonic flash (expect this to possibly be my last sonic cartoon.)

I also need to put together my demo reel on the TV work I did last year.

anyway, later for nowz