Yeah yeah, the topic of this rant is old as hell and whatever I say now, wont make a difference. Thing is though, I'm not interested in talking about World of Warcraft and how it took the (social) lives of many people we knew. What I want to talk about is the RTS series that inspired the pit of all evil, Warcraft. Now recently, I've rediscovered Warcraft 3, a game I haven't touch since my early high school years. A game that back then would ass raped my old computer a new one and cost me a dozen upgrades in order to play the fucking thing but as it stands now, my shitty laptop laughs at the little requirements. Playing through this old classic really brought me back on why I enjoyed the franchise so much and how I would love the thought of a Warcraft 4. But Seeing as Blizzard has pretty much made a self producing goldmine of the franchise, my vision of a new fantasy RTS is pretty much fucked.
This really sucks because I fell in love with the world (of warcraft!) when it was a fun and addicting RTS game, not an MMORPG that would give me nothing more than social problems and minus £15-£20 (whatever it is now!) a month just so I can get the bet out of the game. Yeh, my other problem is that I cant stand online RPG's for the reason I'm fucking crap at them. I remember years ago when I tried playing an online RPG(I think it was Ultima Online or runespace, not too sure). 2 minutes of playing the damn thing, I got killed because I had the daft idea that my soldier character was strong enough to take on a skeleton soldier. For the next hour, I spent running around as a ghost, trying to get someone to pay for a resurrection or something. So being the young and impatient shit I was (yet, ironic because RTS games require patience), I gave up and with every second try I gave the damn game, the experience is always the same.
So how the fuck would I cope with an MMORPG that I would have to pay for each month, just for to get my ass raped everytime. I dunno about you guys but thats got to be one hell of a bad relationship where your paying for everything and get nothing out of it but misery and pain.
So yeah, I love Warcraft but not "World of" Warcraft. simple as that. Blizzard makes awesome gave and its nice to see that some of their older titles are getting attention once again like StarCraft and Diablo. But it just pains me to see what was once my favourite franchise, forgetting that it was once an awesome RTS back in the day and continuing to suck off nerds for 15 a month and seeing as Blizard is controlled by Activision, I doubt I'll ever see the end of it. :\